2018년 6월 28일 목요일

Into the Midnight - 2018 Artwork #1_NegativeMotion

Finally I finished 1st artwork that I directed from last year.
Please keep your eyes on me, there will be next works~

The 1st one is titled 'Into the Midnight'.
I made this music in the midnight so named it like that and the music is better than I thought so I decide to make dance video also.

Later I'm gonna make stage show with this item.
Please expect it!!

Produce / Direct : TaeYoun Hwang aka NeMo-CEO

Video : TaeYoun Hwang aka NeMo-CEO (help : Yeho Shin_DJ Studio)

Music : TaeYoun Hwang aka NeMo-CEO (help : Dyota Kim_Dyota music)

Choreography / Dancer : Lee JinWoo aka ZBOX

Studio support : Yeho Shin_DJ Studio


I want to say thanks to Zbox first.
Although I called him without enough time he said yes immediately to join this project.

And thanks to Yeho of DJ Studio to support us by provide his studio and helped me to shoot the video.

Also thanks to Dyota Kim of Dyota music to advice and helped me although my music is not mature yet.

Please keep your eyes on me, there will be next projects.

Thanks for wathing.


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